
Alliance Justice and Compassion resources and promotes the local and global ministries of The Christian and Missionary Alliance in Canada that seek to bring wholeness and well-being to people made vulnerable by circumstances of poverty, disaster, and injustice. May the stories and thoughts inspire the reader to act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with God.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Niger Vocational Training Centre - Investing in the Lives of Girls at Risk

Niger is one of the least developed countries in the world. The 2011 United Nations Human Development Index ranked Niger 186 out of 187! Needless to say, there is extreme poverty! One of the implications of this is that girls, even as young as 12 years old, are at risk for early marriage (sold for a dowry price.) Often marrying men already with multiple wives,  leading to early childbirth and abuse. 
In October 2010, we started the Niger Vocational Training Centre for girls at risk.  We currently have 60 girls between the ages of 12 and 19. Parents have to commit to not marrying off their daughter until she completes the two-year program!! 
The curriculum consists of classes in sewing, embroidery, literacy, French language, math, basic business concepts and bookkeeping, health, nutrition and hygiene.

There is also an emphasis on looking at their vision of a good and godly woman, the type of women they want to become, and what they can do to achieve these goals and grow as a person and in self-esteem.   
Providing them with skills and knowledge will increase their own sense of self worth. It will also increase their value in the eyes of their families who will not marry them off as desperately. At the end of the program they will earn their own sewing machine and write a National exam which will give them a certificate of completion for their skills. They will be able to go out with the new skills to make money in order to provide for their future. 
     If you would like to support this ministry, visit the
Alliance website, click on the Donate Now button and designate your gift to the Niger Vocational Training or send a cheque to:
The C&MA,
30 Carrier Drive, Suite 100 Toronto, ON
M9W 5T7
Visit the NVOC Blog for more info:


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